詹雅雯 (zhān yǎ wén) 無你卡快活 (wú nǐ kǎ kuài huo) - More happy without you

Source Website: http://www.youmaker.com/video/sa?id=ce44778cc0af4907b80c839cb35af42e001
長男的媳婦片頭曲 (长男的媳妇片头曲) - Theme song of the movie "Men's daughter-in-Law"
cháng nán de xí fu piàn tóu qǔ

PHOTO: http://img001.photo.21cn.com/photos/album/20091129/o/23644AB3F53FC65CEB36351CDD59D492.jpg

無你卡快活 (wú nǐ kǎ kuài huo) 歌詞 (gē cí) - More Happy without you (Lyric)

Lyric (作詞 zuò cí): 詹雅雯 (zhān yǎ wén)
Music (作曲 zuò qū): 賴清木 (lài qīng mù)
Singer (歌手 gē shǒu): 詹雅雯 (zhān yǎ wén)
Source (来源 lái yuán): 長男的媳婦片頭曲 (长男的媳妇片头曲 cháng nán de xí fu piàn tóu qǔ)

PHOTO: http://www.glf.cn/bbs/attachments/month_1005/100521231628e19a9e9aadb6f9.jpg

想一個真結束也好啦 - Want to end completely is also beneficial
xiǎng yí gè zhēn jié shù yě hǎo la

卡贏看你一日一個伴 - Too free to see you for 1 day or one and a half
kǎ yíng kàn nǐ yí rì yí gè bàn

愛一個人什麼感覺 - How does it feel to love a person
ài yí gè rén shén me gǎn jué

我笑你根本不知影 - I laugh at you for throughly don't know
wǒ xiào nǐ gēn běn bù zhī yǐng

石會爛 海水會乾 咒詛的話你敢大聲 - Society is hopeless, even the sea can become dry, yet you dare to curse loudly
(会烂 海水乾 咒你敢大)
shí huì làn hǎi shuǐ huì qián zhòu zǔ de huà nǐ gǎn dà shēng

感情不是物件 隨時會凍換 - Love is not a "thing", it can change anytime
(感情不是物件 隨時会冻)
gǎn qíng bú shì wù jiàn suí shí huì dòng huàn

摸心肝 請你摸心肝 - Have some feeling, don't be so wicked
(摸心肝 你摸心肝)
mō xīn gān qǐng nǐ mō xīn gān

對我甘抹尚絕啦 - You are very harsh towards me
duì wǒ gān mǒ shàng jué la

死心 我最後的辦法 - I gave up, this is my last resort
(死心 我最後的)
sǐ xīn wǒ zuì hòu de bàn fǎ

甭聽甭看 無你卡快活 - Don't need to listen or see, without you live is happier
(甭看 你卡快活)
béng tīng béng kàn wú nǐ kǎ kuài huo

Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)

PHOTO: http://www.glf.cn/bbs/attachments/month_1005/1005182315da3a3e302153759c.jpg

PHOTO: http://www.glf.cn/bbs/attachments/month_1005/1005182316a10d099d7810facb.jpg

台視群星會 詹雅雯下無你卡快活」「請借問心愛的人3 3

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4aBJ7HKnVs&feature=related

PHOTO: http://www.nem365.com/UploadFiles/2010-05/nem06/0525/2010052513273085828.jpg


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