吳淑敏 (wú shū mǐn) 少女的心聲 (shào nǚ de xīn shēng) - The voices of young girls

Source Website: http://lyrics.oiktv.com/lyric.php?sid=2431&aid=5507&lid=60500
吳淑敏歷年專輯(吳淑敏历年专辑) - Albums collections over the years
wú shū mǐn lì nián zhuān jí

PHOTO: http://hiphotos.baidu.com/panshuo520/pic/item/156d2e4a487e64da82025ca3.jpg

少女的心聲 (shào nǚ de xīn shēng) 歌詞 - The voices of young girls - Song lyric

Lyric (作詞 zuò cí): 葉明發 (叶明发 yè míng fā)
Music (作曲 zuò qū): 郭順祥 (guō shùn xiáng)
Singer (歌手 gē shǒu): 吳淑敏 (wú shū mǐn)
Albums (專輯 zhuān jí): 心肝親像鐵 (xīn gān qīn xiàng tiě) - Darling's relation is as strong as steel

PHOTO: http://news.a8-img.com/content/20070110093702024.jpg

東平日頭浮出來 - The sun rises from the east
dōng píng rì tóu fú chū lái

清風對面吹過來 - The breeze blowing across from the opposite side
qīng fēng duì miàn chuī guò lái

初出社會的少女 - Yong lady just coming out to the society
chū chū shè huì de shào nǚ

什麼都不知 - Do not know anything
shén me dōu bù zhī

惦厝內父母也時常交代 - At home parent often instructed
diàn cuò nèi fù mǔ yě shí cháng jiāo dài

出外來交朋友互相瞭解 - Outside home when making friends must have mutual understanding
chū wài lái jiāo péng you hù xiāng liǎo jiě

事事項項要小心 - Must be careful at all time
shì shì xiàng xiàng yào xiǎo xīn

不通來做歹 - Do not do anything that is bad (evil)
bù tōng lái zuò dǎi

PHOTO: http://cn.yimg.com/gallery/cn_ent/20070110094046174114shu2.jpg

黃昏日頭要落西 - In the evening the sun will set in the west
huáng hūn rì tóu yào luò xī

晚風對面吹過來 - Evening breeze blowing across from the other side
wǎnfēng duì miàn chuī guò lái

初出社會的少女 - Yong lady just coming out to the society
chū chū shè huì de shào nǚ

什麼都不知 - Do not know anything
shén me dōu bù zhī

一旦來出社會著愛瞭解 - Once out in the society will need to know
yí dàn lái chū shè huì zhù ài liǎo jiě

有困難的代誌著要忍耐 - Need to be patient when come across difficulties
yǒu kùn nan de dài zhì zhù yào rěn nài

事事項項目睭金 - Alert at all time
shì shì xiàng xiàng mù zhǒu jīn

不通來變歹 - Do not become bad (evil)
bù tōng lái biàn dǎi

PHOTO: http://cn.yimg.com/gallery/cn_ent/20070110094046174110shu.jpg








Translated by: Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)

PHOTO: 吴淑敏寒风中挤乳沟 - Wu Shu Min's prominent cleavage in the cold weather
wú shū mǐn hán fēng zhōng jǐ rǔ gōu



From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNLoXEFQnvE&feature=related


From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6v2prhuyPU&feature=related


From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI0NmL55mLo&feature=related

とまり木 小林幸子 少女的心聲 [台灣許仙唱]


少女的心聲 翻唱者阿堯碎碎唸

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWZN3mWYFfM&feature=related

PHOTO: http://image2.sina.com.cn/ent/s/h/p/2007-01-10/U1935P28T3D1405072F329DT20070110180215.jpg http://ent.sina.com.cn/s/h/p/2007-01-10/18021405072.html

PHOTO: 吴淑敏黄金甲雪乳荡漾 (组图) - Wu Shu Min's Golden Flower Armour for her Snow white wavy (undulated) chest (Photos)
wú shū mǐn huáng jīn jiǎ xuě rǔ dàng yàng (zǔ tú)
http://image.xinmin.cn/2007/12/04/20071204103126330688.jpg http://ent.xinmin.cn/bagua/2007/12/04/983156_3.html

PHOTO: 吴淑敏黄金甲 (组图) - Wu Shu Min's Golden Flower Armour (Photos)
wú shū mǐn huáng jīn jiǎ (zǔ tú)


PHOTO: 台语小天后吴淑敏出新专辑因为拄到你》- Taiwainese little princess, singer Wu Shu Min, launching her new album Beacuse able to lean on you
tái yǔ xiǎo tiān hòu wú shū mǐn chū xīn zhuān jí 《yīn wèi zhǔ dào nǐ》


因为拄到你》- Taiwainese little princess, singer Wu Shu Min, launching her new album Beacuse able to lean on you
tái yǔ xiǎo tiān hòu wú shū mǐn chū xīn zhuān jí 《yīn wèi zhǔ dào nǐ》,

吴淑敏一袭金色低胸马甲秀出傲人的34C双峰,- Wu Shu Min dressed in golden low-cut vest, showed off twin peaks,
wú shū mǐn yì xí jīn sè dī xiōng mǎ jiǎ xiù chū ào rén de 34C Shuāng fēng,

吴淑敏玲珑有致的身材立即成为镁光灯的焦点,- Wu Shu Min wonderful body immediately become the spotlight (focusing point) of the event,
wú shū mǐn líng lóng yǒu zhì de shēn cái chéng wéi měi guāng dēng de jiāo diǎn,

让在一旁的特别来宾施文彬直说Special guests Shih Wen-Pin said honestly:
ràng zài yì páng de tè bié lái bīn shī wén bīn zhí shuō
如果我是女艺人,一定不敢站在你身旁!- If I am a lady celebrity, I will not dare to stand beside you!
rú guǒ wǒ shì nǚ yì rén, yí dìng bù gǎn zhàn zài nǐ shēn páng

吴淑敏一身马甲劲装性感程度跟jolin较劲!- Wu Shu Min's brilliant low-cut golden dress make her as sexy as Jolin!
wú shū mǐn yì shēn mǎ jiǎ jìn zhuāng xìng gǎn chéng dù gēn Jolin jiào jìn
By TOM, 2007-12-04 10:31

PHOTO: 吴淑敏秀出34C的傲人双峰与玉腿 - Wu Shu Min showed off her 34C impressive peaks and beautiful legs
wú shū mǐn xiù chū 34C de ào rén Shuāng fēng yǔ yù tuǐ


PHOTO: 吴淑敏一身黄金色马甲性感出席新专辑因为拄到你记者会 - Wu Shu Min with golden sexy vest at her new album,Beacuse able to lean on you press conference
wú shū mǐn yì shēn huáng jīn sè mǎ jiǎ xìng gǎn chū xí xīn zhuān jí 《yīn wèi zhǔ dào nǐ》 jì zhě huì


PHOTO: 吴淑敏吊带裙亮相 大露酥胸仪态迷人 - Wu Shu Min strap dress exposes her asset, mesmerising her audience during her appearance on stage
wú shū mǐn diào dài qún liàng xiàng dà lù sū xiōng yí tài mí rén


PHOTO: http://djyimg.com/i6/706181326041576.jpg

PHOTO: 高凌风新专辑发表 师姐吴淑敏性感捧场 - At Gao Ling-feng new album launch, Wu Shu Min supported by her sexy appearance
gāo líng fēng xīn zhuān jí fā biǎo shī jiě wú shū mǐn xìng gǎn pěng chǎng


PHOTO: http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2007/03/15/eo070315993.jpg

PHOTO: http://hiphotos.baidu.com/panshuo520/pic/item/156d2e4a487e64da82025ca3.jpg


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