Predicaments during Courting (Part 1) - 羞 得 无 地 自 容

Unsuitable and unwanted” singles will ended up with extreme embarrassment and heart breaking moments more often than others.
刻 骨 铭 心 - ”Remember deeply the pain, just like scraping the bone”
Kè gú míng xīn
Photo is obtained from

Agony of an ugly,old and fat single - 羞 得 无 地 自 容

手 足 无 措
 - ”At a loss as to what to do; panic”

Shòu zú wú cuò

手 忙 脚 乱  -  ”Confused, disorder”
Shòu máng jiǎo luàn

羞 得 无 地 自 容 - “So ashamed but nowhere to hide”
Xiū dé wú dì zì róng

羞 面 见 人 - “Ashamed to face people”
Xiū miàn jiàn rén

自 不 量 力“Does no known one’s own limitation”
Zì bù liàn lì

刻 骨 铭 心 - ”Remember deeply the pain, just like scraping the bone”
Kè gú míng xīn

感 情 注 定 失 败 - ”Love relationship doomed to failure”
Gǎn qíng zhù dìng shī bài

(失 败 乃 成 功 之 母) - ”Failure is the mother of success”
Shī bài nǎi chéng gōng zhí mǔ

义 无 反 顾 - ”Never look back, continue on relentlessly”
Yí wú fǎn gù

名 花 有 主 - ”Popular and already attached”
Míng huā yóu zhǔ

鲜 花 插 在 牛 粪 上 - ”Fresh Flowers inserted in cow dung”
Xiān huā chā zài niú fèn shàngíng

癞 蛤 蟆 想 吃 天 鹅 肉 
- ”To crave for what one is not worthy of, She's out of you league”

Lài há má xiǎng chī tiān é ròu

癞 皮 狗 - ”a mangy dog, scum-sucking pig, a loathsome creature”
Lài pí gǒu

Photo is obtained from
There are those who wants to be single by choice, for whatever reason, could also have faced awkward situations.
手 足 无 措 - ”At a loss as to what to do; panic”
Shòu zú wú cuò

Dilemmas and predicaments during Courting
Although God has good intention by creating human beings, all to be equal and to enjoy the fruits of love, we cannot deny that imperfectness still occur. There are those who wants to be single by choice, for whatever reason, could also have faced awkward situations. “Unsuitable and unwanted” singles will ended up with extreme embarrassment and heart breaking moments more often than others.

It could be that we are still not well-trained enough to handle comments like the following.

  • “Do not introduce such ‘thing’ to me. What others have rejected, I also do not want!”
  • “Don’t try your luck again. You are hopeless.”
  • “I am like flower on cowshit (鲜花插在牛粪上).”
  • “You are a toad dreaming of heavenly crane (癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉).”
  • “Something must be wrong with you.”
  • “I feel ashamed for you.”
  • “I am going to call the police.”
  • “Try that old auntie; she is very suitable for you.”
  • “You are not going to get anything from me. Get lost!”
  • “My expectation is higher than this.”
  • “Look in the mirror first.”
  • “Somebody, help me!”
  • “Scum (癞皮狗)”

手 忙 脚 乱  -  ”Confused, disorder”
Shòu máng jiǎo luàn
Photo is obtained from

Kinder version but similar message:

  • “I am not free for you. Mon – Fri have to work overtime. Weekends, I want to sleep.”
  • “I know you are a nice person, but I am not suitable for you”
  • “I am very sorry. I am already attached (名花有主)”
  • “Maybe you try getting a foreign wife, for example, from china or Vietnam.”
  • “We are not fated to be together.”

Photo is obtained from
感 情 注 定 失 败 - ”Love relationship doomed to failure”
Gǎn qíng zhù dìng shī bài

Other disadvantages and difficulties
For those who are less equal cannot help but sense what the world is thinking. Those not endowed with appreciable physical attributes can expect to receive lectures on how much “sacrifices” others have to make. These “seriousness” are always emphasized whenever opportunity arises. Stormy glares accompany by the following comments are common.
  • “Do not pollute the nice environment meant for nice and beautiful people.”
  • “Why are you interrupting the harmony with your appearance?”
  • “Visually: no contribution and value added.”
  • “The brain smells and cannot tolerate such ‘stinking’ sight.”
  • “Garbage should stay where it belong.”

义 无 反 顾 - ”Never look back, continue on relentlessly”
Yí wú fǎn gù
Photo is obtained from

Heavenly lib services for the more fortunate
In this world, there are still people who still afford to offer a smile while providing services. This may sound amazing but it is true.
  • “You are the sunshine of my day!”
  • “Welcome you 24/7.”
  • “Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance.”
  • “You look stunning today!”
  • “I cannot imagine what will happen without you.”

羞 得 无 地 自 容 - “So ashamed but nowhere to hide”
Xiū dé wú dì zì róng
Photo is obtained from

Philips Collegues (Young, Old, Male and Female)

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